johnelle smith

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IRREgular hours
New York
Irregular Hours is an app that is a free professional storytelling tool for the future of work. The app is designed to be shareable, visually-driven and data-rich. You can add things like your headshot, age, nationality, work preferences, pillars, skills, passions, interests and so much more. I joined the team in 2024 to work on the branding and design of the app with a tight deadline of 1 month to come up with the branding and UI.
The wordmark is originally designed by Common Names design studio. I made minor adjustments to the stacking, spacing and kerning.
Seeing that we were on such a tight deadline, the process for this app was a little different than I was used to. We started working straight away on the UI of the app, and working our way outwards to defining brand rules. Molly Logan, founder of Irregular Hours, was very inspired by 1970s Apple, the Not Boring apps by Andy Allens, and the children books by Xavier Deneux. It was important for us to use big bold type when possible, fun interactive shapes for the infographics and to offer enough flexibility in the system so that users will be able to customize their profiles.